Post to ZipRecruiter and Other Job Boards!

We love using ZipRecruiter, but we also want your job listings to show up on more than just one job board! Our applicant tracking system allows you to post to multiple job boards like ZipRecruiter, Monster, and CareerBuilder.

Don’t settle for only one!

  • No credit card required.
  • No contracts. Ever.
  • No installation needed.
  • No IT or special software required.
  • Excellent customer service.
  • Fast technical support included.

Try ApplicantStack today for free

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  • Watch for your free trial log-in information coming to your inbox!

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Unbeatable Products

We don’t want to distract you from your job. We want to make your job easier and make you more efficient. So our features are things you need – not bells and whistles you have to manage.


ApplicantStack Recruit

With our intuitive applicant tracking system, users can create jobs online, recruit via social media sites, post to major job boards, create questionnaires, score applicants & much more.


Built for business. Designed for humans.

We’re confident you’ll love our easy-to-use recruiting and onboarding software, but insist you try it and see for yourself – on us – for 15 days.


Applicant Tracking Software

Designed for HR professionals and recruiters, our easy-to-use applicant tracking system doesn’t require any software installation and can be accessed anytime, anywhere from any device.


ApplicantStack Onboard

Manage tasks, integrate with other ApplicantStack accounts, create new hire checklists, track tasks, and provide a new hire portal for employees to quickly and easily complete required forms.

ApplicantStack is worth every penny, it pays for itself immediately…I didn’t know life could be this manageable for a recruiter.

Amy Polefrone

President, HR Strategy Group, LLC

Unique Features

We know there are a lot of options to help you with your recruiting needs. But there’s really only one choice if you want a robust applicant tracking system at an affordable cost.

Import Hires

Easily import new hires from ApplicantStack Recruit or automate using our API.

Centralize Information

Invite new hires to update their information on a customized, branded New Hire Portal.

Create Tasks

Assign tasks to new hires and users to create simple checklists and track progress.

E-Sign Documents

Hires can electronically sign documents from any device, anywhere.

Set Reminders

Automatically reminds users to complete tasks, so nothing falls through the cracks.

Use Templates

Save time with templates to simplify the creation of tasks, emails, and more.

“All of our new employees say it’s the easiest onboarding process, they’ve been through…you can customize it to fit your specific needs, and they have a great help team that is very responsive.”

Melissa Johnson

HR Director, CRC

More Unique Features

We know there are a lot of options to help you with your recruiting needs. But there’s really only one choice if you want a robust applicant tracking system at an affordable cost.


Create customized postings from scratch or use one of our templates. Distribute on custom branded job boards, designed by us to look like you.


Share your job postings with a single click to social media and job boards to reach the best talent easily and efficiently.


Keep all of your applications in one spot, assigning stages to each posting, and roles to your team members, so you know exactly where you stand.

Download Reports

Use standard or create custom reports to keep tabs on key metrics of your onboarding.


Collaborate with your hiring team to score individual candidates and automatically screen applications for keywords or qualifications.

Upload Forms

Select standard new hire forms (W-4, I-9, etc.) from our library or upload your own.
Learn how our onboarding and recruiting software can take you from hired to working in no time.